Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Hyrum Turns 16!

Sariah says she took first place at their FHE ping pong tournament because she has 5 brothers that don't go easy on her.

Getting close to driving to school every day.  Hyrum practicing changing a tire for FHE.

A sunny afternoon at Gp and Gm's house.

Rex, not to be outdone by Lyle.  
They have decided to play baseball this year.  Glad they decided.  I think Lyle was losing sleep over it.  He doesn't want to miss out on anything.

Ten years in the house and we put some serious wear on all the door handles so James is replacing them all and now the front door opens from the outside again.

Talmage playing in the metal shop.

Cool creations!

Happy Birthday to Hyrum!!  After months of scouring FB Marketplace daily, Hyrum found his dream bike on the week of his birthday.  He and James took off early Saturday to Portland and by 7 pm Hyrum was riding it on Giesler Rd.  Fun road trip birthday with Dad!

An electric shaver and cologne from Sariah.  A very manly birthday.

Cousins to celebrate the big 16!

Rex must have had too much fun...fever.

March 12th--Driver's License for Hyrum.  Yeah!!


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Valentine's and A Week of Winter

We got enough snow that the boys were able to help Freeman's built an igloo.  No takers when Freeman's offered to let them sleep in it.

School was cancelled on Valentine's Day.  James had an online meeting but took Rex and Lyle for a few quick pulls up and down the street behind the truck before his meeting.  Had Salmon and Cider with our own three valentines.

An extra frigid day in Rexburg.

Sariah found some 2nd-hand slacks for her job interview.  Killed the interview, landed the job, and chose not to take it when she knew more about it and the time commitment.  Way to go Sis!

Sarah and Sariah spent Valentine's Day afternoon at the temple together.  What amazing girls!

James started learning how to build cabinets so he can build our library.  A bit of a learning curve but hats off to Dad for jumping in on a new skill.

I love to get these pics of our college kids.

The boys were pretty excited about their perfect circle in the snow at Grandpa's house.

A frozen walk.  The frost and angle of the rising sun made it so everything had Christmas lights on it, even the weeds.

Taking advantage of every opportunity in the snow.  Maybe he locked Rex out, I don't know.

Snow Cones!!

25 years since we were engaged.  Spent the evening at the temple with Rex and Lyle doing baptisms.

Yellow roses to commemorate the day.

Mo Bettahs for CHAMP dinner.  Lookin' good kids, lookin' good.

Talmage's homemade fried chicken on a homemade bun.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Best Day at Bluewood Yet

James had a two hour delay on Wednesday and just as he finished clearing the sidewalks his secretary informed him they cancelled school.

James fixed our microwave!!!  (Again.)

Hyrum taking advantage of our first skiff.

Rex and Lyle going out after youth activity for their first snow of the year here.

Mid-Columbia Tournament, first one I've ever been to.  Rex shot a 255 and Lyle shot a 250.  James had taken them to practice at Schwendiman's the night before and they loved that.

Libby shot a 262!

Good friends (so they could go outside after they shot and throw snowballs).

First time I had been able to take these guys to lunch in a long time.  They picked a good spot, Travis Adamson was there and bought them an ice cream cone.

Hyrum's basketball year ended with a win over Ki-Be on Friday night.  The varsity lost yesterday so he won't even have practice this upcoming week.

                         It was snowing at Bluewood yesterday.  Rex and Lyle said it was amazing!!
I think this is Lyle.

I think this is Rex.

James learning how to make cabinetry so he can build bookshelves for our "library."

Bryant and Tristan at the first ever BYU-Idaho Intramural Champions vs. BYU-Provo Intramural Champions game.  BYU-I with the win for 96-77.  Fun!

Sariah made the sacrifice not to go to the game and went to stake conference instead.

Ripstick snowball fights while the ammunition is melting.

We are praying for Talmage.  He is waiting for more testing.  He has been very uncomfortable this week.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

100% From the Free Throw Line

Hyrum's basketball season is winding down.  Even though they had a loss to Royal last Friday, Hyrum was 100% from the free throw line.  In fact, 4 out of his last 5 games have been 100% from the free throw line.  He's only missed one free throw in the last 5 games.

This screenshot is from a video Shandiin Schwendiman sent me.  Hyrum got a steal, dribbled the length of the court, picked up his dribble at the three point line, left the ground at the free throw line and laid it in for a pretty cool bucket.

Rex and Lyle are LOVING ski bus.  They dig their new jackets and when they get home on Saturday night, they are COMPLETELY wiped out.

It's been super fun to have Lyle start playing the piano again.  He wanted to learn Pirates of the Caribbean so he is a couple lines into it after a couple weeks.

A row of future missionaries at the seminary fireside.  They are fortunate to have so many friends.

A rare night of homework.  Sure like watching them work together.

Sarah sent me this candid of Bryant headed into his first shift as a temple worker.  She dropped him off on a very cold day.

One of Sariah's "spies" sent her this picture of Bryant and Sarah at BYUI Date Night.

Sariah lost sleep over planning this Hawaiian Date Night for Bryant and Sarah.  Sarah's mom venmoed Bryant some money to do something special for Sarah since she is missing her family vacation in Hawaii this week.  Sariah worked out all the details, did the shopping, and set-up, including a Hawaiian scene and sound effects on the TV. I don't think Bryant lost any sleep--haha.

So many times in the last few weeks I have been reminded how grateful I am that these two came together and are the best of friends.  When Cyrus has a friend over, it works out perfect for 2v2 basketball.  That's happened several times recently and is the best part of their day.

At this very moment they are making elephant ears with tortillas.  Oh how I love them!  They are good to me and I love their hugs and an occasional kiss on the cheek.  They are very good boys.