Sunday, December 27, 2020


At least 3 hours of manpower on this one.  Pretty awesome igloo!


The Big Day


Christmas afternoon nap.

Christmas afternoon it started to snow...and didn't stop.  The kids' wishes came true.  They played for hours, in the dark, in the snow.

Talmage after Rex and Lyle opened up his Christmas gift.

Sariah's haul.




Rex, Lyle, and Bryant's

Christmas Eve movie.  Neither James nor I could remember the name of the movie the next morning!

2020 Nativity cast

Christmas Eve at the pool.


 For our Christmas present to Spechts, we took them to Zarahemla.  It was raining when we got there, but that didn't stop the little guys.  Sometime during the night, it changed to snow and we woke up to just enough snow to make everything beautiful.  We played games, watched movies, read books.  It was great!

Makaley, Sariah, and James testing a frozen lake.  There was water on the edge!  Not me.

But...breathtakingly gorgeous!

Closer and Closer to after party.

The solution to me always wanting the Christmas ambiance of a crackling fire and James not wanting to waste propane.

Daddy's poor toe after all the planks in one box of flooring fell out the bottom of the box onto his piggie.

The second time James has been able to attend the temple with one of his students during COVID.

Brother Perkins showing us his dinosaurs when we went caroling.

Ken Packer's AMAZING snowflake in honor of The Mandalorian.

These student blew me away with their observations in symbolism in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

Throwing a movie party for Reilly's birthday.  (Not a church activity because of COVID.)

Sariah's long awaited Christmas party with her friends.

Surprise Party for Grandma's birthday.

Get those kids a sandwich!

Our attempt of a Christmas family picture with a selfie stick.

Bryant as the photographer.

Secret elfing--these two were Awesome!


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Killer PE days in December

Jack Frost provided the perfect conditions for the ultimate game of fox and geese for PE.  The kids LOVED it.  They played it for PE, recess, and extra recess.

Kids made the newspaper two weeks in a row.  They wrote an article for Thanksgiving and then rocked at the Turkey Trot.

Writing letters to Talmage looks a bit different than when our families "wrote" to us on our missions.

YW sock exchange.

Working on their anatomy final project for Glory Academy

Some pretty amazing work!

A week after we played fox and geese, we took a sunny day bike ride and hike up Sagemore hill.

Everyone made it to the top!  I was so proud of them.

James and the kids totally came through for me and set up for our Christmas dinner and party on Friday night.  It turned out fantastic.  We initiated our pipe chimes that Hyrum and I made with Grandpa on Tuesday.  Super fun.  We are going to "carol" to our neighbors with them this afternoon.

Saturday was paint day!  We put in a full day and got it all done!

We took a break and went to 11th ward's live nativity.  We are so glad we did, it was fantastic.  On the way, we saw this extravaganza!

And grandma sent me this picture of our recital trio.

Lyle catching a few "dandruff" snowflakes, the first of the winter.