Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Hyrum Turns 16!

Sariah says she took first place at their FHE ping pong tournament because she has 5 brothers that don't go easy on her.

Getting close to driving to school every day.  Hyrum practicing changing a tire for FHE.

A sunny afternoon at Gp and Gm's house.

Rex, not to be outdone by Lyle.  
They have decided to play baseball this year.  Glad they decided.  I think Lyle was losing sleep over it.  He doesn't want to miss out on anything.

Ten years in the house and we put some serious wear on all the door handles so James is replacing them all and now the front door opens from the outside again.

Talmage playing in the metal shop.

Cool creations!

Happy Birthday to Hyrum!!  After months of scouring FB Marketplace daily, Hyrum found his dream bike on the week of his birthday.  He and James took off early Saturday to Portland and by 7 pm Hyrum was riding it on Giesler Rd.  Fun road trip birthday with Dad!

An electric shaver and cologne from Sariah.  A very manly birthday.

Cousins to celebrate the big 16!

Rex must have had too much fun...fever.

March 12th--Driver's License for Hyrum.  Yeah!!