Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Wedding and a Birthday

I was at the doctor's office for nearly 5 hours today! Two weeks ago when I asked him about flying down to Kase's wedding (a one hour flight) he recommended I get up and walk a little. Today I wanted to tell him that I sat nearly five times as long in his waiting room! The good news is everything looks good with Baby A and Baby B. (We really are going to have to name them sometime.) I measured at 37 weeks and tomorrow will be 30 actual weeks. That means I'm measuring 1 week short of when I delivered with Hyrum. They better not get any ideas!

Had a wonderful, CRAZY weekend with all my siblings at Kase's wedding in Salt Lake. He and his new wife, Brielle were sealed by Elder Bednar and it was powerful! I left my camera home on purpose for James to capture Hyrum's Easter morning, so a few pics are here. Kase was happy and is now part of a new, great family.

Something super sweet I have to record. Last Thursday while climbing a shelf, Sariah knocked off a little wooden box in which I kept a tiny tea set given to me about 20 years ago as a birthday gift from a good friend. It shattered everywhere. She felt awful of course. When Talmage came home from school he found out about the mishap. I was working at the sewing machine and some time later he came to me and asked me if I had a tiny box. I told him I didn't have a tiny box but I now had an empty wooden box. He went and got it and came and showed me what was inside as tears welled up in his eyes. He said he was so sorry that my tea set had been broken and then he opened up the box to reveal a tiny tea set ---each piece drawn, colored with tiny pink and yellow flowers (just like mine), and cut out. Does it get any more precious? I now have a tea set much more valuable than the one I started out with.

Bryant turned eight yesterday.

His choice for classroom treats - twinkies.
His choice for dinner - Little Ceasar's pizza and rootbeer.
(Grandpa, Grandma, and Laryn as well as the Bergesons were on their way home from Utah and stopped in. That was a treat for Bryant.)
His choice of birthday cake - mud pie.

He was a super pleasant boy all day long, and he said his favorite gift was his new scriptures. In fact, he went to bed with them. He told me since he got new scriptures he wrote in the copy of the Book of Mormon he keeps at school and gave it to his teacher. He said he wrote his testimony in his writing journal and asked his teacher to tell him if he thought the Book of Mormon was true. What a great, little missionary!

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