Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Panning for Gold

Today we actually "broke ground" on our property.  Even though it was only the test holes for the septics system it was kind of exciting.
Bryant heard that black sand is where you find gold, so he made me promise to bring him some.
Tonight, James helped the kids "pan for gold."
Imagine our surprise when they found some!
Too bad the gold is tiny flakes.  (James is holding his ziploc with about 5 tiny gold flakes.)

In recent days:

Most the kids caught a nasty cold.  Here is one of Rex and Lyle's sick days.  I've probably said this before, but the only thing worse than a sick baby, is two sick babies.

This is part of the morning routine:

Just like all the rest of the kids, Rex and Lyle always want to "help".

"Fast Fish" (an orange car) is Hyrum's constant companion.  First thing he must have when he wakes up, which as you can see, is a matter of digging through his bed since he falls asleep with it.

Hyrum came back from primary and wore his Valentine's mask for a couple days.

 On February 10, 2013, Bryant finished the Book of Mormon for the first time!
He's well into 1 Nephi already.  I'm so grateful this is one of his habits.

Thanks to some generous help, I got to spend Valentine's Day with James at seminary.  Then we came home and celebrated traditionally with the kids, pizza, soda, and heart shaped brownies with ice cream.  I think it was a great day for everybody.

 Including this girl who had planned her Valentine's Day outfit a month in advance.

My efforts in promoting reverence in our primay.  James of course made these beautiful stands.

 Today...what a sweetie. 
Rex and Lyle have been outside much more and it's so good for them.

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