Thursday evening as soon as Talmage got home from practice, he and a couple of the Priests went and helped Jeff Middleton load a trailer of hay. I love to see the evidence of hard work!
For the last couple months, I've been secretly planning James's 40th birthday celebration. I really tried to think of what he would want to do for his birthday. It seemed pretty clear, he would want to spend it with his family. So, thanks to family in Utah, we planned an afternoon of boy fun with his brothers and nephews and dinner and hanging out. I didn't tell the little kids until after he left for work on Friday, and for the first time in a long time, I actually pulled off a surprise. I knew it would mean more time in the car than in Utah for him to make it back by Monday morning, but we did it anyway. The time in the car together without interruptions was a treat as well.
Not everybody who celebrated made it into the picture, but it was sure fun to be there with them. James has a wonderful and incredible family.
While we were gone, Cole and Laryn were gracious enough to shuttle and herd our kids around.
Rex and Lyle initiating James's birthday gift from his seminary students.
I think Vard may be the photographer.
Talmage bought his first pair of real dress shoes on his own---getting ready for Homecoming!