Sunday, April 14, 2019

Fun Saturday

James made a great day for the boys even though it made it more busy for him.  He taught a geneology merit badge at the Midway during the morning and rushed home to take the boys to Kids Free Fishing Day at Columbia Park.  Lots of smiles despite the rain.
Rex, Lyle, and Hyrum




The only catch of the day belonged to Rex even though they all begged to stay longer.  Three hours was enough.

While the boys were fishing, Sariah and I went to town on the housework and then did these facials for the first time.  Pretty scary looking huh?

Sariah and the little guys and I headed out to 351 Fairway to see Kase and Brielle and their girls who had got in the night before.  We were planning on using Gp and Gm's hottub but found this instead:  (Vard's new toy)

Two thumbs up for Rex


Rex taking a selfie while I was getting unbuckled. 

Sariah ready for her ride.

Lyle went for a ride too, don't know what happened to his picture.

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