Sunday, August 7, 2022

Swimming, swimming, and more swimming

Didn't include this last post, but it was so random that its deserves a report.  On the way back from the river, Rex told James and I that there was something in his throat that was bothering him.  Didn't think much about it until we were home and he brought me a headlamp to look.  Sure enough, this miniature spear was stuck in his tonsil.  It took him a few minutes to muster the courage, but he let me get it out with a pair of tweezers.  I couldn't believe how long it was!  We think it must have been a spice on the pepperoni that had just the right angle when he swallowed.  Crazy.

We asked for a smile and he sure looks good in one though it took some effort.  A better week for him than the last but it's a struggle.  We're sure proud of him for putting up a good fight.

Wild discoveries on his p-day hike.

Ancient carvings laying out in the middle of the jungle.

Sariah's Young Women Hiawatha Bike Ride ended up being more of an adventure than planned.

The ride went pretty smooth after Brother Hoskins fixed a lot of bikes.

They ended up at a standstill for at least 5 hours on the way home and didn't get home until 1am.

But they made the best of it, and made a lot of memories to boot.

2022 Zucchini Boat Races
Lyle's masterpiece

Maverick and Milo, the neighbor boys did it with us this year.  Rex and Hyrum were so good to partner up with them.

It was nice that it was a bit cooler these last few days.

Still got plenty of swimming in (just about every day).  Most days were with cousins.  They are getting pretty good at their swan dives.

Loved this picture of Grandpa and Grandma at their local fair.  Missionaries in their element.


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