Sunday, February 9, 2025

Best Day at Bluewood Yet

James had a two hour delay on Wednesday and just as he finished clearing the sidewalks his secretary informed him they cancelled school.

James fixed our microwave!!!  (Again.)

Hyrum taking advantage of our first skiff.

Rex and Lyle going out after youth activity for their first snow of the year here.

Mid-Columbia Tournament, first one I've ever been to.  Rex shot a 255 and Lyle shot a 250.  James had taken them to practice at Schwendiman's the night before and they loved that.

Libby shot a 262!

Good friends (so they could go outside after they shot and throw snowballs).

First time I had been able to take these guys to lunch in a long time.  They picked a good spot, Travis Adamson was there and bought them an ice cream cone.

Hyrum's basketball year ended with a win over Ki-Be on Friday night.  The varsity lost yesterday so he won't even have practice this upcoming week.

                         It was snowing at Bluewood yesterday.  Rex and Lyle said it was amazing!!
I think this is Lyle.

I think this is Rex.

James learning how to make cabinetry so he can build bookshelves for our "library."

Bryant and Tristan at the first ever BYU-Idaho Intramural Champions vs. BYU-Provo Intramural Champions game.  BYU-I with the win for 96-77.  Fun!

Sariah made the sacrifice not to go to the game and went to stake conference instead.

Ripstick snowball fights while the ammunition is melting.

We are praying for Talmage.  He is waiting for more testing.  He has been very uncomfortable this week.


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