Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My heartiest laugh of the day came when I asked Talmage how his first "health class" went. (I had previously screened the presentation to make sure it was something we were comfortable having Talmage be a part of at school.) His response went something like this. "The school nurse talked to us about how we will be changing as we grow up and I don't think it is a very good idea." Isn't that great?!

So Talmage had his first health class and he is also wearing glasses for the first time. When I called last Friday at about 4pm to see if they were in, they were expecting them in the next few minutes but that they would only be in the office until 5pm. I told them I'd be there. (After two weeks of trying to get contacts in every day I was happy to make a trip to avoid the same frustrating ritual for the weekend.)

Bryant is writing his first Haiku poems---mostly about camping an fishing.

Sariah has been helping me make our first "welcome spring" wheat grass pots.

We took them to the friend who watched Sariah and Hyrum while I went to the doctor today and the gal who does my ultrasounds with her happy southern accent.

For the first time Hyrum went down the "big" slide at the playground where we wait for the boys when we walk up to meet them after school. He had the tricky, curved ladder mastered in a couple of minutes.

The twins have gained their first pound, estimated at 1lb. 6oz. and 1 lb. 7 oz.

James has accepted his first stake assignment, counselor in the stake YM organization. Between his new calling and school, out of the last 10 days, he has been home in the evenings two of those nights (including Sunday). We have actually had to leave our kids home alone (except for Hyrum) for the first time.

We all had our first Spring excursion to the park last Friday morning on a No School Day. Met up with some friends and had a great time soaking in some sunshine. My nose even turned slightly pink.
This is the load we came back with...t-ball equipment, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, water bottles, dishes returned from a friend, and a couple of really cute kids.

And this is the first of the garbage that has blown over from the
construction across the road, a vent box.

This was the cutest thing on Sunday. When I got Hyrum dressed for church, I told him he was so handsome and we needed to get his pictures taken. (I haven't scheduled his two-year-old pictures yet.) After several minutes, after I'd moved onto something else, he shows up and hands me the camera. At first I couldn't figure it out, but he had comprehended and hunted down the camera, climbed for it I'm sure, and brought it to me to have his picture taken. (Of course Sariah couldn't miss out on a photo shoot.) I thought that was pretty incredible he'd gone to all that effort.

We left the "blankie" and the beads at home.

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