Monday, March 21, 2011

Your Welcome

There are some words that are just music to a mother's ears. At naptime today Hyrum shared one of the stuffed monkeys (we have two that look exactly alike, interesting no?) with Sariah. She said thank you, and he responded, "Your welcome." It was the first time I've heard him say that phrase, and it wouldn't have been understandable to anyone else, but it was without a doubt, "you're welcome." It was a wonderful sound.

Sariah and I were out late Saturday night watching Laryn pass on her title in the 2011 Connell/North Franklin Junior Miss.

Last year 2010.
I can't tell you how much I love it when all of my family is together.
This was such a FUN night last year.

Junior Miss 2011.
(I've had requests for belly pictures. I guess this is it, at 24 1/2 weeks. It looks a lot to me like the picture we took of my belly hours before Hyrum was born.)

Sariah was such a sweetheart. About halfway through the program, she asked me for a paper and pencil. I didn't have anything to write with or on. She wanted so badly to make something to give to Laryn. At one point strings of beads were thrown into the audience and then at the conclusion of the program, Aunt Stacey gave Sariah a rose. She was thrilled. Now she had something to give to Laryn. I am so grateful I have a girl to enjoy these times with. (James was watching BYU beat Gonzaga and couldn't have been happier.)


  1. On the bright side...your belly is the only part that grows noticeably while you are pregnant. :)

  2. This pic makes me miss your parents. They look so great. I hope they are doing well. Tell them Hi for me. :-)
