Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I guess you could call it that, but what happens between 4:30 and 8pm is far from a relaxing meal and evening. It much more closely resembles a three (or six) ring circus. Tonight, James had his class. Fortunately, Aunt Rhonda came to help.


Hyrum "helps" stir the pancake batter.
I direct the setting of the table.
Rhonda holds Lyle while I dress everyone's pancake the way they like it...PB, whip cream, or syrup? or any combination? On top or to the side? Cut in squares or strips?
I pour everyone's OJ
I hold Lyle and eat my pancake from a distance hoping not to drip too much syrup.
Everyone takes their turn reporting a positive moment of the day.
Babies anxious.
I inhale the last of my food.
Attempt to feed Lyle in bumbo on the table while directing the doing of the dishes and spouting off spelling words.
Strawberry/Banana whole grain cereal everywhere.
Sariah spills OJ.
Bath Lyle
Hyrum jumps in tub.
Hand off clean, wet Lyle to Rhonda.
Attempt to feed Rex in bumbo on the table. Rhonda doing the dishes instead of my kids. Still working on spelling words.
More Strawberry/Banana whole grain cereal everywhere.
Bath Rex.
Help Hyrum out of tub.
Rhonda helping kids with homework.
Dress Rex and Hyrum.
More Spelling Words.
Babies exhausted.
Make two bottles.
Feed Rex, Rhonda feeds Lyle.
More spelling words.

At least that's the tip of the iceberg.

When people tell me their life is busy or "crazy busy," I can't help but laugh a little inside.

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