Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Day #1

Sariah (6th), Hyrum (3rd), Rex and Lyle (1st)

Waiting for the bus.

Lyle was the only one this morning that told me he wasn't going to school.  I didn't respond much and by time the kids were putting on their shoes, so was he.  And, he never looked back.  I'm so grateful!  When he got home he said, "I smiled most of the day."

Bryant's first day at Chiawana.  Talmage dropped him off to save the hour and a half from the time the bus picks up on our road until the start of school---10 minutes away.

After they were all off, I had Talmage practice driving to the temple so he and Bryant can start to go to 5am youth session on Thursdays.  Afterwards, he dropped me off at the high school for freshman orientation day.  Again, just like when I attended with Talmage, I was the only parent in the classes I went to with Bryant.  As we walked down the hall, I let him go far enough ahead that no one knew his mom was with him until we were actually in the class.  A couple times he asked me, "Are you sure you don't have anywhere to be?"  I'd like to think that deep down inside it makes a world of difference to him that he has a mom who would make the effort to be there.

Sariah came home elated and talked and talked about Mrs. Miller.  I'm so relieved and grateful she is excited after she had come to love Mrs. Hoeft so much.

Lyle and Rex are at the far left.

Tonight, Rex and Lyle had their first ever football practice.  They earned half the registration fee themselves and gladly turned it over to play.  They were tearing it up out practicing and LOVING every minute of it!

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