Monday, October 28, 2019

End of Season

Because my phone battery is about shot, Damon's picture will have to represent last week's Cross Country meets.  Sariah ended the season with a 1st place.  Bryant ran at Leslie Grove Park for his last regular season meet. He PRed and was the first Chiawana runner in the JV race.  When it was all said and done, his JV time beat the Varsity Chiawana #7 guy by 1 second!  Way to go Bryant and Sariah!  You both had a fantastic XC Season!

Earlier that day, Sariah and I went to her school conference where her academic performance was as stellar as her athletic performance.  Afterwards, she had her first Subway sandwich--bun, ham, turkey, and cheese.  And that's it, not even any mustard or mayo.  But...she loved it!  Then she and I had some time to kill so per Grandpa's recommendation we visited the Red Brick Store in Connell.  Very interesting place.

Friday, Kiersten Price came and she and Sariah decorated cupcakes while we helped her memorize the new YWs theme.  It warms my heart to see this particular friendship blossom.

Bryant was a great sport and dressed up as "Dwight" from the series, "The Office" for his XC Halloween party.  I've never seen it, but apparently he makes a great Dwight.  He had a great time and I'm so grateful for the friends he has made on the XC team that left the party with him when they started the R-rated movie.  Bryant is completely trustworthy when it comes to things like that.  We have had the thought that perhaps one of the reasons he felt to stay at Chiawana and not go to Connell is because the good boys his age needed a good leader.  And that he is.

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