Sunday, May 3, 2020

Welcome May

James welcomed his students over Zoom with a "stache."
May started off with a broken lawnmower and Hyrum finding this in the grass a day later.

Halloween costumes got a "Round 2" during Friday's Giesler Parade.

The boys are losing interest in the parade but the neighbor's motorized scooter was a highlight.

It's a cape on a scooter!

 Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week so on May Day we made and delivered our late gifts.

Saturday, James woke up and decided today was the day to make happen what we have been talking about for the last few years--a hammock camp.  It was stormy, rainy and/or windy at times but he wasn't stopping.  They decided on a hexagon that will support 12 hammocks at a time.  The kids are pretty excited.  Sariah ordered a hammock yesterday. 

Bryant was good morale support (at least for a few minutes).

The boys partied hard overnight at Specht's for Jhett's birthday.  Lyle came back with an owie finger and a swollen hand.  He said he saw the mosquito and squished it but I've never seen a mosquito leave a blister.  This week they watched a "Mystery Doug" that said the mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world.  I told Lyle he could tell people he was bit by the most dangerous animal in the world!

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