Sunday, May 3, 2020

April Comes to a Close

She has given us a lot of great memories including off-roading to get to "Rocky Ridge."  It's kind of funny how a vehicle can take on a personality and become a part of a family.  She's all cleaned up now and James has listed her on FB Marketplace.

Sariah is in charge of making our Tuesday Instagram post to promote our raspberries.  This was her post this week.  Pretty soon the patch will be ALIVE with the sound of bees.

She also pen-painted this card for dear Brother Richeson who so often brings us fresh treats.

We had fun making the card together.

This is her "dirty work."  All the horse manure she shoveled all winter long now had to be shoveled into a spreader and spread in the pastures.

She's a thinker though and wears a poncho to keep all the manure dust from falling down the back of her shirt and getting stuck in her hair.

 Bryant has to email pictures of his PE time everyday for credit in his PE class.  I can just imagine all the "bluffing" going on, but Bryant does his PE time legitimately.

B running on the canal.

We had a new trick at the house this week.  It didn't take long for these guys to gain confidence. 
I told Rex he caught so much air his head got chopped off in the picture.

Unfortunately, after two days of jumping the particle board broke.

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