Monday, January 17, 2011

It's a Boy! and... It's a Boy!

We debated and debated, and went back and forth as to whether or not we would find out the gender of our twins, having waited for the surprise with all of our other children.

One thing different about the prenatal care with twins is that they do an ultrasound every time because just the doppler isn't enough to distinguish between heartbeats. With so many ultrasounds it would be nearly impossible not to know the genders before birth unless we simply didn't watch them and the technician didn't slip. With such a unique experience I didn't want to turn away at every ultrasound so we just decided to find out from the get go.

We took Sariah with us thinking that with double the chance of a girl, this could be one of the best days of her life. It didn't quite turn out that way.

The technician didn't want to be the one to break the news so even though Sariah watched the ultrasound, she didn't know the results.

At family night, James talked to the kids about Heavenly Father's wisdom and the blessing it is to have a healthy baby. He told them what Elder Holland recently said about those who are faithful having their prayers answered even though it may not be in this life. Then he told them the news. Bryant and Hyrum were the only ones not in tears. Talmage was hoping for girls to bring balance and symmetry to the family (there's a type A personality for you). Sariah just wanted sisters, at least one sister. I have to admit my heart hurt for her little pained heart. It was so sad. She said, "I've been praying and praying (which is true) , what happened?"

At this point I'm grateful we found out. Such sadness wouldn't have been quite right on the day these little guys enter the world.

James has promised Sariah a bunk bed anyway.


  1. Well, I am excited for you! Hooray!

  2. Congratulations!!! I feel for Sariah too...sisters are wonderful, but sometimes great friends can be just like sisters too. I'm sure she'll find many throughout her life.

    We love you all and hope all is well. Thanks for the posts. We love to hear all the great things that are going on.


  3. Niki and I had been hoping for a sister for Sariah. She was sad when I told her Sariah was getting 2 brothers. "What about sisters?" she said.

    I'm glad everything is going well. That would be nice to get so many ultrasounds! I always like the reassurance that everything is okay.

  4. A house full of awesome missionaries....I love that. I guess you and Sariah can have lots of girl dates together.....hey at least you score on Father's and Son's night:)
