Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Family Life

Haircuts, Before and After
(Can you guess who is who?)

4 year old check ups (about 6 months late)
Exact same weight and height after 4 years!
Notice what magazine they found at the doctor's office.

Lyle wanting to be part of family scripture study.

2nd batch of kittens
This time only 3 kittens. 

We didn't even know Mato was pregnant until about a week before these little guys came.  Imagine the surprise one night when James went into the garage and heard tiny meows!
They love to follow Sariah around, and she loves it too!

Cleaning out the garage over labor day weekend.  Can I part with this?  Seriously put thousands of miles on this with all of my kids.  They don't make them like they used to!

Sariah's birthday with cousins at Grandma's.

We always have to make sure Talmage makes it all the way into bed after saying his prayers.

Teenagers like naps.

Bryant learning to tie his tie.

Talmage, the bottomless pit.

Translation...he also likes to cook.

Homemade chicken noodle soup.

Glad I had the pick-up for this grocery shopping trip.  Entering the world of teenage boys!

Popcorn and blankies to watch the lunar eclipse from the front porch.  So cool.  Talmage got out his telescope too.

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