Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pirate and Princess

We love Fridays for several reasons. We get James home for two days, it's homemade pizza night, and the kids love Friday because they get to sleep on the air mattress. This Friday we had a Bryant who insisted he wear his pirate costume to bed. On that note, Sariah insisted she wear her princess dress to bed. So, we had a pirate and a princess on the same air mattress that night.

Our Bishop asked James and I to speak at a single adult fireside tonight. Following an impression this afternoon, we took Talmage with us to give part of his talk he gave in primary last week. He did an amazing job. As he stood there in front of that room full of adults, not the least bit nervous, I had tears in my eyes as my mind's eye saw a missionary in the making, boldly teaching the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He really does have a gift for memorizing, and public speaking.

Two days left and counting on Hyrum's antibiotic. Oh, how I hope it has served it's purpose. I wonder how long it will be until he eats again.

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