Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tender Moment

Sariah was in our bed last night when I pulled out my tender mercies notebook from my night stand. The following conversation went something like this:

Sariah: "Mom, what's that?"
Me: "It's my happy notebook."
Sariah: "What's that?"
Me: "It's where I write down something every day that makes me happy."
Sariah: "Like what?"
Me: "Oh, sometimes I write about my little girl who dresses up and dances around the house."
Sariah: "Why?"
Me: "Because it makes me happy."
Sariah: Big grin and a sparkle in her eye.

Then, for several minutes, I read to her from a book I'm reading. All of a sudden, in the most tender, inquisitive voice she said, "Mom, what did you write about today?"

It was so tender. Doesn't that sound like a scene straight from an LDS "Family---isn't it about time?" commericial. She really is a precious girl.

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