Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Clean Closet

I promised myself that this would be the week to conquer our bedroom closet as it has become the "holding area" for too many things.

In part that meant using naptime to clean and organize instead of doing my hair. As much as I don't like my hair "all natural," it was interesting to hear Sariah's comment as I was pulling her out of the tub. "I want my hair curly like yours mom." I told her, "I want my hair straight like yours." She laughed and probably thought I was just trying to be funny. Prime example of how "the grass is always greener..."

Earlier, Hyrum whacked Sariah in the face with a hairbrush and both were in tears. Sariah and I played a little baseball. Bryant accomplished his reading, piano, and homework today---a rare occasion. Talmage came and found me in the attic to give me a kiss good night.

James is doing homework.

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