Saturday, May 22, 2010

Service with a Smile

Last night after we visited the Open House of the new Parley Building we drove along the far side. There was a lot of trash strewn throughout the rocks and plants of the landscaping. I asked the kids if they thought we could take care of that. Theirs was an enthusiastic reply.

So, this morning I woke everybody up at 6am, and on empty stomachs (because it would take us too long otherwise) we loaded up to do some secret service at the new building. Besides a little bickering about who had the most trash in their bucket it was a great start to the day. By a few minutes after seven, each of the kids had a Yoke's doughnut in their hand and a smile on their face. Then we came home to eat breakfast.

By 9 o'clock we were at the Pasco Cemetery to help with our ward's service project. Mostly collecting and disposing of old flowers (stinky) and picking up trash. Sariah came away with the "hardest worker overall" award, Talmage "the most improved", and Bryant with the knowledge of what a chewing tobacco can looks like. Without my knowledge, he had been playing with one---probably most of the time.

Late night and early morning meant naps for everyone. Except for James who was helping a neighbor move. I forced myself off of the crowded bed (all but Hyrum) after 30 minutes to get going on the Saturday chores so we could have everything ready for a BBQ this evening. Dad, Mom, Kase, and Laryn were coming in for the Open House and bringing a friend. The friend didn't show but we enjoyed some burgers and Kase's never failing, never ending, entertaining commentary of his life.

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