Saturday, October 30, 2010

Harvest's End

Right now, my kids are snuggled up on couches and on the floor in the living room, falling asleep to Pandora's Christmas radio. (I love Celine Delion's Oh Holy Night. Absolutely amazing that that kind of sound can come from a human.)

Last night we carved our pumpkins---four this year.

(Can you tell whose is whose? You can't see the metallic pipe cleaner
curls on the one with eyelashes.)

Today was the last day of pumpkin sales. Amazingly, every last one sold, even the "Quasimodos" that we were about to trash. At the beginning of the week, the boys figured out how much they would have to make in order break $1000 in their mission funds and still have enough for tithing and a small gift for Grandpa and the Perkes Family (those who help us immensely in this project). They figured they would have to make $210 this week. They prayed that they could make $210. Tonight they counted up their money. It came out to $209 and change. Can you believe that? They both broke $1000 in their mission fund. (Bryant actually pitched in $13 of his "fun money" since for some reason he was $13 short from years previous.)

Dividing the hard-earned cash and figuring tithing.

This morning we declared war on the back yard. Cleaning out the shed. Cutting back all the plants and flowers. Putting away all the planters, fire pit, and patio furniture. It took all day, but it's a beautiful sight. One part was sorting and storing my harvest spoils. Here's a picture of the "broom corn" I mentioned. Sadly, the picture doesn't do the richness of the colors justice.

Broom corn tassles.

I'm waiting to see how they dry before I jump into the project I've concocted for their display.

Tonight we went to the ward Trunk or Treat. (I've yet to take a picture of the kids in their costumes and we've dressed up twice.) Since Halloween falls on Sunday this year, that is the extent of trick-or-treating. We'll head out to Grandpa and Grandma's tomorrow to avoid the onslaught of trick-or-treaters and have pumpkin pie instead.

Thursday night and Friday night, Bryant fell asleep completely dressed. It made me reflect on Bryant's style, which is: going to sleep fully dressed so he doesn't have to change his clothes in the morning; sleeping on top of his covers so he doesn't have to make his bed; favorite haircut = a buzz, requires no combing.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Halloween!! Great job on those pumpkins. They make ours look like pee-wee pumpkins. Sure love you. Keep up those missionary funds. I'm very impressed. You'll make amazing missionaries. I love you all!!

    Makala I just noticed the quote from Mother Theresa you have on the side of your blog. I love that. Thanks for putting it there. I'm going to write that down and hopefully it will help me this week. We miss you and love you. Have a wonderful week.

