Thursday, September 17, 2009

Too Sentimental

I'll admit, I'm a little on the sentimental side. However, my kids went overboard on sentimentality tonight. If you were driving down our street at about 7:15 this evening you would have seen an 8-year-old and a 6-year-old running with outstretched arms, wailing, "NO, NO, NO!" What we're they in pursuit of? Our used refrigerator just sold off of craigslist. You would have also seen a very embarrassed and stern mother following shortly behind. It was ridiculous.

At the library today, I was reminded by the good women of the Kennewick Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution that today is the anniversary of Constitution of the United States of America. As I read some of the words of the founding fathers today, I was awestruck again by their sense of freedom, liberty, and righteousness. We would all be better people by studying their lives and following their examples.
Thomas Jefferson said, "On every question of construction, [let us] carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed."
God Bless America.

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