Monday, September 20, 2010

Three weeks ago (083010)....

This morning when Sariah and I were husking our "indian" corn and discovering the lovely colors hidden on the inside, we were playing name that tune, her request. We took turns humming songs and guessing. My that I gave up on and when I asked her what it was, she said she just made it up about picking pumpkins. It never did occur to her that it would be impossible for me to guess the tune of a song she just made up. Oh, I love that girl.

On Monday, August 30, we were really hoping to be able to attend a session and had been told by one of the new temple workers that the 12:30 would probably be our best chance. We hadn't brought our temple clothes with us due to our lack of space and although the temple didn't have rentals, there was a brand new distribution center on temple grounds. We decided to be early so we would have enough time.

The mission office is on the temple grounds so we dropped off the things that we weren't going to pack all the way home---medicines, left over duct tape, hand sanitizer, Noxema facial wipes (for overnight trains), all those goodies. After our session, James planned to leave his suit.

There was a rush on the distribution center and there was only one cash register so we stood in line for almost 2 hours. We visited with the people around us, and stood behind three young couples all scheduled to be sealed that day.

We did make it in time for the 12:30, but the session was full. There had been people from as far away as Siberia who had come for their own ordinances and sealings without prior notice to the temple. The temple was as chaotic as I've ever seen a temple to be, but it was a joyous and reverent chaotic.

We waited some more.

The 2pm session came and they had a few seats left. We successfully completed the work for a native male and a female in their own language, in their own temple. We left our temple clothes for someone in need.

In the restroom on the way out I ran into Katya. She was about 11 years old when I served in her branch and a quiet sweetheart. She has since served a mission and grown a true testimony of the gospel. Her family has gone through tremendous trial losing her father and a sister in the last few years. Her and her mother have a wonderful testimony of the Book of Mormon and the power it has given them in hard times. She had attended a sealing of some friends with her boyfriend, Leonid. (She was the one who made James and I white handkerchiefs for the dedication.) In the restroom she told me that he had just proposed to her in the Celestial room and that she had accepted. I was so excited for her!

Katya at far right with her family in 1998

With Katya and Leonid just after they were engaged.

This is a little of what we saw on the grounds before leaving.

No fanfare. Just a simple, beautiful occasion.

Afterwards, it was hard to leave knowing it was the end. However, we had an overwhelming sense of gratitude, fulfillment, and wonder.

We picked up a few things to eat, a few souvenirs, and headed back to pack for our early (3am) departure in the morning.

As wonderful as everything had been, I was anxious and excited to see my little guys at home.

Total Approximate Miles Traveled: 15,613!

1 comment:

  1. I have tears in my eyes, I am so grateful for this post. What an amazing experience.
